July 30, 2014

If you voted for Hamas, Israel has a right to kill you, says president of NY Board of Rabbis, Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner, at Stand with Israel rally, NY, July 28, 2014 "Israel is the most moral army in the history of civilization"

*The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers
*Some important information for Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner


Unknown said...

These demonic entities are so delusional that they even believe their own bullshit.

Anonymous said...

This freak and his tribesmen need to be deported to the Holy Land now!

1776blues said...

Man, it would be easy to round up thousands of these anti-Americans, anti-humans and move them into a work camp with ease since they are in one location!

What a piece of shit liar this rabid dog is! And the crowd is disgusting.

Hey rabbi, what are you doing with that young boy?

1melahat said...

No, That's the problem. Why the hostility towards arabs? Sending jews to Palestine will mean more death and dispossession for the people who already live there. Your idea sucks.

Anonymous said...

It needs to be done. Once they are ALL out, Israel needs to be embargo'd and their wall around their Holy Land needs to be guarded from the outside, so they will never leave again. The Palis can be resettled to Egypt or something. Arabs move to Europe by the millions. Doesn't seem they are so bound to their homelands afterall, does it?

MaryC said...

Well, since the good rabbi is referring to Talmudic morality, I can't argue with that.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world, so he appointed prominent rabbis in different localities. ~ A Chasidic saying attributed to Nahman of Bratzlav, early 19th century

Anonymous said...

@ Tele Funken, What gives you the right to steal Arab land and give it to the Jews

Anonymous said...

No right, but do you have a better solution? Also, Arabs steal land from also through mass immigration. What would you do with all these Jews, mind you that half of all Jews still dwell in other, mostly White countries, where they don't belong. Jews cry Israel is their all day. Ok, expel of of them there and secure the border from outside. Palestinians can be resettled in Jordan or something. Millions of Arabs live in Europe as well, not being homebound to their fatherlands.

I'm making a reasonable suggestion to solve the Jewish Question. What's yours?

MaryC said...

Tele Funken
The Arab countries, such as Jordan - who are US and Israeli puppets - have been given their marching orders not to accept any Arab refugees. You see, the "axis of evil" would rather they emigrated to Western countries.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mary,

I understand and the Western puppet govs let Arabs in. My problem is with Arabs going to Europe having no intention on leaving again. And I have an even bigger problem with people here, who are Jew-wise and see through it, promoting and advocating it. Europeans that do it are weak and pathetic and Arabs in Europe who do it, want it both ways and are slick and deceptive, only looking out for their own and taking advantage of the Jew-agenda to genocide White people.